Health & Safety Cloud Business Apps You Should Be Using Today

It goes without saying that an organization and a CEO's greatest asset is the strength and the wellbeing of its teams and employees. Every practice comes with some level of risk, while some industries being more prone to hazards than others. By paying attention to workplace health and safety, business owners, team managers or HR managers can minimize risks and possible liabilities, paving the way for positive and steady business performance, healthier workplace relationships better outcomes.
So the question is, how can a growing business ensure the health and safety for its employees? With the rise of tech-based and app-based solutions for every business challenge, here are our top apps@clouds apps that have got you covered.
H&S Incident Reports
With this app, your team can quickly and easily report workplace incidents in a detailed and descriptive manner. You can also customize the app to your business' needs by enhancing the app to include business-specific investigation statuses. The app fields include incident summary, incident number, incident date, reporter and investigation status. However, the fields can be modified as per one’s preferences. This app ensures that you don't miss out an incident and increase health and safety levels from then on. Moreover, you can always look back at the investigation(s) to review the workplace' annual performance.
H&S Processes and H&S Sites
Although separate apps, the H&S Processes and H&S Sites can be integrated together. To ensure an incident-free, safe and productive environment, health and safety in a workplace must be in place. Once integrated, the apps ensure the establishment of site-specific processes, and that the staff are aware of risks, and they know how to deal with them before entering.
The Processes app includes fields such as Process Details and Process Summary, and the Sites app includes fields such as Site Name, Site Number, Site Risk and Description and Risks, both of which can be changed accordingly.
H&S Risk/Hazard Management
The H&S Risk/Hazard Management app allows you to manage hazards based on their risk level. Sector practices recommend notifications, which can be put in place based on your industry. The app includes Risk Level, Risk/Hazard Summary and Description as its fields, which can be modified as per the industry's requirements.
H&S Training
Keeping your staff trained is the key to reducing risk and complying with regulations. The H&S Training app enables you to train your staff to avoid workplace risks. The app's default fields are staff member, training title, training date and result and certification. These can be added, removed or modified.
These apps go best together and will help you ensure the health and safety at your workplace.
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